Christmas Bakes: Nina's Ambrosia

  • 1kg fruit yoghurt
  • 500ml cream 
  • 1 packet of marshmallows
  • 1 block Whittaker's chocolate
  • 2 bars of Flake chocolate
  • 1 golden kiwifruit
  • 2 punnets blueberries 
  • 2 punnets strawberries
  • Mint leaves

In a mixing bowl, whip 3/4 of the bottle of cream, then gently fold in the yoghurt. Cover and place the fridge. 

Roughly cut chocolate block into chunks and cut marshmallows into quarters. Remove stems from strawberries and cut into quarters, then peel kiwifruit and cut into chunks.

Take the bowl of cream/yoghurt from the fridge and fold in the marshmallows, chopped chocolate, and half of the strawberries and blueberries. Pour into your serving bowl.

Arrange on top the remaining berries and crumbled Flake chocolate, then cover and place into the fridge and leave for at least 2 hours, or overnight.

When you're ready to dig-in, remove the cover and garnish with mint leaves. Enjoy!

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